ستظهر الاقتراحات بعد كتابة إدخال البحث. استخدم السهمين لأعلى ولأسفل للاطلاع على النتائج. استخدام الإدخال للتحديد. إذا كان الاختيار عبارة عن "جملة"، فسيتم تقديم هذه العبارة للبحث عنها. وإذا كان الاقتراح رابطًا، فسيقوم المتصفح بالانتقال إلى تلك الصفحة.

تغيير الحجز أو إلغاؤه

If you'd like to make a change to a confirmed reservation, you can! All you need to do is submit a trip change request to your Host. If you’re curious about other things, like how to cancel, figure out refunds, or understand cancellation policies, you’re in the right spot.

Making changes to a trip

Need to adjust dates or cancel your reservation? It’s pretty easy—just go to Trips to submit a change request. But before you cancel, be sure to read the cancellation policy for your stay to find out if you get a refund (and how much). If you’ve booked a place where there’s a more strict cancellation policy, you could also consider changing your dates instead. Just put in a change request to the Host and any difference in price will be shown before you confirm the request. If you have an extenuating circumstance and you’re covered under our policy, let us know when you go through the cancellation process.

Changing your reservation for a stay
How to submit a change request to your Host.

Canceling your reservation for a stay
Get basic cancellation info and an easy-to-follow link to change or cancel a trip.

Find the cancellation policy for your stay
Learn how refunds depend on the Host’s cancellation policy, as well as the time and date you cancel.

Canceling a trip due to extenuating circumstances
Find details about requirements and how to take the next steps.

Find your refund amount
Where to find your refund and what it depends on when you cancel.

Making changes to an Experience

You can add additional guests, choose a different date or time, or remove guests from an existing experience reservation in Trips. Just note, if you want to reschedule the date and time or change the number of guests, you can do that within 24 hours of booking, and up to 72 hours before the Experience starts.

Change your Experience reservation
Learn how to make changes to your confirmed reservation, and what happens if you do.

Cancel or reschedule an Airbnb Experience
Find out how you may be affected if you cancel or change a confirmed reservation.

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