ستظهر الاقتراحات بعد كتابة إدخال البحث. استخدم السهمين لأعلى ولأسفل للاطلاع على النتائج. استخدام الإدخال للتحديد. إذا كان الاختيار عبارة عن "جملة"، فسيتم تقديم هذه العبارة للبحث عنها. وإذا كان الاقتراح رابطًا، فسيقوم المتصفح بالانتقال إلى تلك الصفحة.
طريقة العمل
مضيف تجربة السفر

كيف يمكنني استخدام أداة حجز تجارب Airbnb؟

Note: The Experiences booking tool is being discontinued, so you won't be able to use it on your website anymore. If you currently have the tool embedded on your site, it won't show up and it won't affect your page's display. We do recommend removing the booking tool from your site. 

Find out more about Host tools that can help attract more guests

If you’re a host, you can attract more guests by including the Airbnb experience booking tool on your own website or blog. Using this tool, guests can book your experience directly with you. After they book your experience through the booking tool, you'll receive their info in your confirmation email.

Before you embed the booking tool, be sure all info shared about it on your website matches the info listed on Airbnb. Then, you can embed the tool by using these steps:

  1. Log in to your account on a desktop computer or browser (not using the Airbnb app)
  2. Find the booking tool under your Edit experience settings or by clicking the Share button on your experience page
  3. Under Type for display orientation, choose Horizontal or Vertical, based on the area available on your website (if you choose Horizontal, you’ll also have the option to add your experience title and info, as well as an image, to the booking tool)
  4. Under Language, choose your preferred language
  5. Under Currency, choose your preferred currency
  6. Click Preview to preview any changes you make
  7. Click Copy HTML to save the HTML to your clipboard
  8. Paste the HTML code into your website where you’d like the Airbnb experience booking tool to appear


  • To ensure visibility for potential guests:
    • Place the booking tool near the top of your home page (or any page where you’re embedding)
    • Include a booking link on your site that goes to a page with the embedded tool
  • Use these recommended iFrame sizes for different tool configurations:
    • Horizontal (including with title and info): 800 px x 450 px
    • Horizontal (with image): 960 px x 460 px
    • Vertical: 365 px x 420 px


  • If the booking tool doesn’t look the same on your website as in the preview, try increasing the size of the tool container on your site.
  • If the booking tool doesn’t render at all on your site, make sure that your website builder allows embedded JavaScript to render. If you’re using the free version of a website builder, or if the website doesn’t allow third-party scripts, the script may be blocked.
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