
Temple Thai Restaurant & Tuk Tuk Bar

7 أشخاص محليون يوصون بهذا،
21 Park Rd
Milton, QLD

تلميحات من السكان المحليين

April 14, 2016
This is one of my absolute favorite places to eat dinner, especially as a group and/or with kids. Excellent Tom Kha, best i've had in Brisbane. Outdoor patio is really ambient and zen, features a separate bar, good chill vibes.
October 8, 2018
Located close to the accommodation, Tuk Tuk Bar is usually not crowded on weekdays and best for having a heart-to-heart talk with your close friends or partner. But don’t get it wrong, it become full during the game day and weekends. Request to sit a the back, and feel the authenticity of Thailand atmosphere. Its quirky, and so good!
BnbX Stays
March 31, 2018
The Tuk Tuk Garden bar (behind and part of the Temple Thai) does a delicious $9 curry lunch!
October 22, 2020
This is a great restaurant with very good food at a very reasonable price. The staff are friendly and it has a bar for a drink after dinner. It's 1.3 kms away.
May 7, 2017
Great Thai food with small bar (Tuk Tuk Bar) at the rear. Perfect location for pre drinks or chilled atmosphere.

أنشطة فريدة في المناطق المجاورة

ليالي الطلاء والرشفة في بريسبان
طلاء الفخار وسيب بريسبان سيتي
جولة في الغابات المطيرة في مايالا

أماكن أخرى يوصي بها السكان المحليون