
Restaurant U Curdunn

24 شخصًا محليًا يوصي بهذا،
19 Via Dura
Locorotondo, Puglia

تلميحات من السكان المحليين

August 25, 2022
One of Locorotondo's most popular restaurants and for a reason. Located on a quiet street serving quality food from fresh ingredients. Be sure to make a reservation in advance!
October 29, 2017
For fantastic locally sourced and freshly prepared local dishes there is none better, service is first class and the interiors are very impressive.
Micaela E Ole
June 8, 2021
Ottima cucina tradizionale
July 25, 2017
Ottima cucina Pugliese
Sotto Le Cummerse
August 5, 2018
Ristorante in cui si può mangiare della buona cucina locale

أنشطة فريدة في المناطق المجاورة

جولة في مزرعة العنب وتذوق النبيذ والطعام
جولة في ماسيريا وصنع الحرق - التذوق
الغداء/العشاء في Malvarosa trulletto في Valle D 'itria

أماكن أخرى يوصي بها السكان المحليون