
Lafayette College

15 شخصًا محليًا يوصي بهذا

تلميحات من السكان المحليين

August 15, 2022
Lafayette is just a 5 minute drive from The Guest House!
January 25, 2020
A 3 minute drive or 15 minute walk through historic Easton Heights Cemetery, Lafayette College perched high on College Hill, offers ground tours and breathtaking views of the city. Pubs and eateries surround the college (of course).
May 27, 2022
For a beautiful walk, Lafayette College boasts towering old trees (including some of the oldest japanese maples we've ever seen) and old buildings with fun architecture. From up on College Hill, you get spectacular views of Easton and you can "ZIllow-watch" all the big, gorgeous houses tucked away on multiple side streets.
March 16, 2020
Lafayette College in Easton pa

أماكن أخرى يوصي بها السكان المحليون

730 High St
Easton, PA