
Macellaio Dallas

3 أشخاص محليون يوصون بهذا،
مغلق بشكل دائم
287 N Bishop Ave
Dallas, TX
Bishop Arts District

تلميحات من السكان المحليين

August 16, 2018
This restaurant just opened. It's a bit pricey, but way worth it. They have an amazing selection of charcuterie and Italian wines. Great food overall and the area is a great place to walk around and shop.
November 1, 2019
This is the type of restaurant that gives Dallas credibility to be named best new food city by Bon Appetite. It's another concept by friends David and Jennifer Uger, they have Lucia as well.
June 18, 2019
One of the best restaurants ever. It's Italian food, but don't think Olive Garden. Think gourmet bread, house-cured meats, perfect meats and veggies, and craft cocktails. They actually keep some tables reserved for walk-ins. It's not cheap, but so worth it.

أنشطة فريدة في المناطق المجاورة

دروس مخصصة في صنع الشموع
ورشة عمل زبدة الجسم الأساسية لمربى الجسم
جولة بالدراجة الكهربائية في دالاس

أماكن أخرى يوصي بها السكان المحليون