ستظهر الاقتراحات بعد كتابة إدخال البحث. استخدم السهمين لأعلى ولأسفل للاطلاع على النتائج. استخدام الإدخال للتحديد. إذا كان الاختيار عبارة عن "جملة"، فسيتم تقديم هذه العبارة للبحث عنها. وإذا كان الاقتراح رابطًا، فسيقوم المتصفح بالانتقال إلى تلك الصفحة.
طريقة العمل

عملية التحقق المكونة من خطوتين

To access certain parts of your account, we might require you to complete 2-step authentication to comply with European payments services regulatory requirements. This is an extra layer of security that helps us confirm the person logging in is really you. 2 step authentication is only applicable for Hosts in the European Economic Area (EEA).

What’s needed

Be sure to have a current phone number saved on your account that can receive a verification code by text or phone call. If you don’t, access to certain parts of your account may be blocked.

How it works

It’s a two-step process:

  1. Enter a one-time passcode that we’ll send to a phone number on your account
  2. Enter your account PIN—or answers to security questions—that you set up previously (see How to set it up below)

Why it’s required

2-step authentication is our name for Strong Customer Authentication, or SCA, which is a requirement of European payment service regulation.

It’s designed to help prevent fraud. You may have noticed a similar experience when accessing your bank account online or while using financial apps.

How to set it up

First, go to Account settings > Personal info on a web or mobile browser and add your phone number if you haven’t already. Then:

  1. Go to Account settings > Login & Security or Personal info
  2. From the Set up 2-step authentication banner at the top of either page, click or tap Set up now
  3. Choose how you’d like to receive your one-time passcode—via text (SMS) or a phone call—and enter it when prompted
  4. Create a personal identification number (PIN)
  5. Add security questions that only you can answer

To edit your PIN or security questions, click the Edit link.

Using Device Authentication

You may be able to use your device for 2-step authentication. This will allow you to authenticate in the same way you unlock your device, whether that’s with face recognition, fingerprint, or passcode.

You can always deactivate this setting from the device itself or a browser by visiting Account > Login & Security.

Device authentication only applies to the device you used to activate this setting, but you’ll always have the option to use a verification code with a PIN instead.


Updating your phone number

  1. Go to Edit your phone number in your Personal info page of account settings
  2. We’ll require you to go through 2-step authentication before adding or updating your phone number
  3. If you do not have access to any of the phone numbers on your account or can’t otherwise receive the one-time passcode, you’ll need to click the Need Help link from the 2-step authentication screens while attempting to update your phone number
  4. Be ready to update your phone number as soon as you hear back from us, which will be within 12-24 hours

Your PIN and security questions

  1. Make sure you have a phone number on your account that can receive the verification code—if not, first follow the steps above to update your phone
  2. Click Edit PIN from the Login & security page of your account settings
  3. If you can’t remember your PIN, you may answer security questions instead by clicking the Forgot PIN? link from the Enter your PIN screen
  4. If you can’t remember either your PIN or security questions, you’ll need to click the Need Help link from the 2-step authentication process while attempting to update your PIN
  5. Be ready to update your PIN as soon as you hear back from us, which will be within 12-24 hours
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